I was walking through the mall on Saturday and I passed by the video game store. I look in expecting to see some display or poster announcing the release date of The Force Unleashed instead I see a poster announcing the release of Soulcaliber IV. In this poster there are two very familiar faces, Darth Vader and Yoda. I am curious about this, so I pick up the box that has some details about the game. I don't see where the Star Wars connection is so I decide that I must research this game.
Finding information about this game is very easy and in no time I realize that there really is no Star Wars connection. This game takes place during the 16th century here on EARTH!
I am not too happy about this but I must read on. I go to starwars.com to find out more and possibly why this is happening. After I spend some time checking out some Clone Wars action, I go directly to the main site where I see "Realities Collide: Soulcalibur IV". I click that link and I begin to read the information. I don't really see a true explanation of why when I read so I am
including the link to see if maybe someone out there can explain to me why this is being done other than because it is cool.
Here are my problems with this game.
1. Star Wars takes place a long time ago (I concede that the 16th century is a long time ago) in a galaxy far, far away. How do Yoda and Vader get to Earth? The Galaxy that Star Wars belongs to is such a great distance from Earth that the word "far" is mentioned twice. Can only Jedi make this great journey that takes them light years away from their own galaxy? With all the solar systems in their own galaxy, why would they even bother with ours?
2. Lightsabers touching swords. UMMM, last time I checked, lightsabers cut through metal. So the fight would be one sided and end really quick.
3. Jedi vs. Non Jedi. HMMM, another advantage for the Jedi. Like in
The Empire Strikes Back, Vader just took Han's blaster from him by using the Force. Wouldn't Yoda just disarm his Earthling foe by using the force to take it away? Jedi are meant to fight as a last resort not as the first option. How can an Earthling block Force Lightning? Why wouldn't Vader just put a choke hold on his foe? Bottom line, the Jedi will always win.
4. Star Wars was meant to remain untouchable by Earthlings. If not then why haven't the books or the real video games introduced this concept?
Let's just say, this is one game I would rather not play.
Jedi J