Since it seems we are in the midst of a news blackhole regarding all three of our fandoms, I'm taking my cue from V's last post and sharing some visual, Potter-y joy, circa
Order of the Phoenix last year..

I love this to pieces. Dan plays Harry here perfectly. Note the "You bastards didn't write me all summer my godfather is dead no one likes me so I'll lean against this wall from the two of you and hope it pulls a Platform 9 3/4 and lets me break on through to the other side, break on through to the other side, yeeeahhhhhh!" posture.
Rupert is all Ron-like, too. Slouchy and insecure. I covet his sweaters, by the way.
But Emma's sexy, draped over the castle wall pose doesn't really say Hermione, does it? It's, dare I say it, a very Lavender Brown way to sit. There's something all, "Come hither, Ronnie, let's make some 'special' magic," cougary feel to it. No wonder Ron is leaning away.
Or, perhaps, I'm reading too much into it all.
Prof. H