Have you ever wondered why Sand People are called Tusken Raiders or why Dark Jedi are called Sith Lords? Or how did Smi and Anakin Skywalker become slaves? Or maybe you asked the most important question of all--is Anakin Skywalker the Chosen One?
The answers to these questions and some more are found in The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader, by Ryder Windham. It is the first book of a series that is to include the stories of Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker.
The book's main focus is on Anakin's feelings during the timeline of the six movies. There are some insights to things that happened during the Clone Wars and the time that is to be addressed when The Force Unleashed is released, but nothing too major there. It also dabbles in the two stories that occur during the original Star Wars trilogy, Splinter of the Mind's Eye and Shadows of the Empire but once, again nothing too major.
Readers will find familiar dialogue in this book, as well as some moments that are not shown in the movies but that take place during the movie.
I hope you enjoy the book.
Jedi J
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