Art by suetlilanglz
The Harry Potter prequel we told you about earlier has been posted online. Go here to read about James' and Sirius' adventures with a pair of Muggle policement. The story includes phoenix t-shirts, Sirius' flying motorcycle, and more James Potter cheekiness than anyone should be able to stomach (Oh, Lily, you poor woman). Some fan artist will draw something for it soon, but in the meantime, I've supplied a neat pic of the Marauders for you above.
I must say, the 800 word story feels a bit different from the Potter books. I suppose, for the first time since the opening chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in which we are in Vernon Dursley's head for a long time, the perspective is wholly Muggle. I think it was a good choice for this story.
I also must say that as the story loaded on my computer, I inexplicably danced around my kitchen singing "Billie Jean." Don't ask why. It's inexplicable.
There's also THIS. THIS new picture from the new Half-Blood Prince movie, in which Harry gives Ginny a sweet, sweet lovin' hug. Squee! Enjoy the Potter-y!

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