Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Breaking Dawn Review

OK so I'm finally done. I know, I know. What took me so long! Well...I actually finished the book about a week and a half ago but I had to stew over what I was going to write. So here goes...

I thought the book was pretty darn good. I felt like there were a few anticlimactic scenes, like at the end with all the talk of fighting but no actual smack down. But overall the book was everything I hoped it would be. No one important died and Bella got to be a vampire and a mother all in one shot. Oh! Did I mention her and Edward live happily ever after. WooHoo!!

Here's the best and the worst according to me:

#1 Had to be that Bella turned out to have a supernatural power. So on top of the fact that post-bitten Bella was now beautiful, hand/eye coordinated, and in total control of herself (an amazing feat already being a newborn Vampire)she is now SUPER COOL VAMPIRE, Mrs. Cullen.

#2 The whole twist of Bella being pregnant and having an awesomely sweet and talented baby. (I didn't see the whole pregnancy thing coming).

#1 Now here's where I have to get down and dirty...What's up with too many pages being dedicated to talk, talk, talk and no action at the end with the Volturi Coven. Was it just me or was Aro past being diplomatic and on his way to being obnoxious.

#2 The completely pointless story side line when Alice lead Bella to J Jenks. What was that all about? Then the lame excuse of "Oh, I had to make sure you thought I was really gone" from Alice. It just wasn't convincing enough to make the reader go through it.

So those are my opinions in a nut shell. Hope those of you that read the book liked it as much as I did.


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