Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Postcard Secret I TOTALLY Agree With

I just learned about Postsecret, an art project site where people mail in their secrets on postcards, anonymously. I found this Potter-y one and had to post it, as it reflects my sentiments exactly:

Prof. H

Caption This!

You fill in the blanks. What were these two just talking about?

And here? This is the oddest HP photo I've ever seen? What could prompt such a gathering? Now's your chance to caption these in the comments:)

Prof. H

Monday, September 22, 2008

Rupert's Turn

In recent posts I've waxed (not so) poetic about how grown-up Dan Radcliffe and Emma Watson seem all of the sudden. Now it's Rupert Grint's turn:

What is this? Stubble? Muscles? Who? What? Where? Pics from the set of Grint's new film Wild Target reveal a whole new Rupert. I'm just hoping Harry and Ron forget their razors or whatever shaving spell wizards use while they're camping in the film version of Deathly Hallows. Just saying.

Oh, and that girl, she isn't me. Sigh.


Prof. H

Friday, September 19, 2008

Franklin Keane, Our New Hero

Dear Franklin Keane,
Thank you for your comment on Jedi J's recent post. You are our first commenter. Until now, we thought we were just navel gazing here.

You've given us a reason to go on, and are henceforth our hero.

Even More Picture Fun

Since it seems we are in the midst of a news blackhole regarding all three of our fandoms, I'm taking my cue from V's last post and sharing some visual, Potter-y joy, circa Order of the Phoenix last year..

I love this to pieces. Dan plays Harry here perfectly. Note the "You bastards didn't write me all summer my godfather is dead no one likes me so I'll lean against this wall from the two of you and hope it pulls a Platform 9 3/4 and lets me break on through to the other side, break on through to the other side, yeeeahhhhhh!" posture.

Rupert is all Ron-like, too. Slouchy and insecure. I covet his sweaters, by the way.

But Emma's sexy, draped over the castle wall pose doesn't really say Hermione, does it? It's, dare I say it, a very Lavender Brown way to sit. There's something all, "Come hither, Ronnie, let's make some 'special' magic," cougary feel to it. No wonder Ron is leaning away.

Or, perhaps, I'm reading too much into it all.

Prof. H

For Jedi J

Humorous Pictures
more animals

I got this picture from an email. So funny. The kitty really looks like Yoda.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Re: New Twilight Trailer!

Good stuff Professor H. Good Stuff. Very Funny. Those guys deserve some kind of award.

My favorite part is at the end. I've always thought that the part was kind-of cheesy and needed some good-ole fashioned spoofing.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Star Wars: Force Unleashed

For all you Star Wars fans out there, Tuesday brings the release of The Force Unleashed. In this video game we get to play Vader's apprentice. The story line flows with Star Wars lore: there are no fake Earthlings who seem to be able to withstand a blow from a light saber several times, nor does Yoda use Force lightning on his foe. But I digress.

There are many places to see the previews for this jaw-dropping game. I have seen commercials on TV and, of course, demos on The full story will be released with the game; expect to see books that continue the story as well.

As for now, I will have to practice my gaming skills (because I really do lack in that area). I am even tempted to buy a Wii just so I can use the little "Light saber" to play the game, but alas, my Jedi instructor paycheck does not allow me to. Oh well.

Jedi J

New Twilight Trailer!

Well, sort of. Not really. But THIS is funny!

Prof. H (obviously. V would never play such a mean trick with the title. Bwa-ha-ha)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Half Blood Prince Test Screening

Someone has seen The Half Blood Prince, and alas, it wasn't me. There was a test-screening in Chicago yesterday, and up at the Leaky Cauldron, they've posted a detailed review. People, MAJOR SPOILERS when you follow the link.

I read through the thing and am ridiculously excited. Yes, there are many, many deviations from the novel, but I think they capture the essence of the book. Read if you must, and judge for yourself.

Prof. H

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feel Better, V.

Dearest V,

I know the postponement of Midnight Sun has gotten you down. But I'm certain that this, THIS, picture from Cosmogirl, of Emmett and Edward and Jacob will hearten you.

Prof. H

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What a Freaking Disaster

V.: Edward, why so sad?
Edward Cullen: Because someone leaked my freaking story that's why!

Well, I know by now everyone has heard the very disappointing news about Midnight Sun's leak. I am deeply saddened by Meyers decision to indefinitely postpone the release of her book (not that I blame her). With the little that has been posted I think Midnight Sun is potentially her best book yet. So fans, say a very special thank you to the ingrate that allowed this leak to happen. Now who knows how long it's going to take to get her writing again. Hope she snaps out of it quick!

Thanks again BUTT-HEAD!


Have a Post-Labor Day Happy

Back to work? Longing for the weekend already? Perhaps this will cheer you up:

It seems to be the theme of this blog lately, but my, how they've grown...

Prof. H