Move over Star Wars Weekends, there is an even better Star Wars experience and it only 3 hours long! Star Wars: In Concert is hands down the best Star Wars experience I have ever been to. The concert tells the full story of the saga, from Anakin's humble beginnings to his eventual fall and redemption. Narrated by Sir Anthony Daniels, who is live on stage, the familiar voice of C3PO tells the story just like you would imagine the protocol droid would. He gushes over his character and the female characters Padme and Leia. When he begins talking about Anakin's fall from grace, tears are in his eyes (that is acting!).
The concert is not just the goosebumps inducing music and video clips, it is also a traveling museum. Props and costumes from all the movies can be seen. Children and adults can take pictures against set backgrounds. Han Solo is seen in still frozen in Carbonite and Yoda is seen in an attack stance complete with lightsaber in hand. Concept drawings are on display as well as the paper where the original score was written on.
Finally, the concert is where generations gather to celebrate Star Wars. Young and old were clapping together for their favorite characters and scenes. There was no division of the classes, there were just people who love the movies, some in costumes, some dressed to the nines, some in jeans and Star Wars t-shirts and the rest of us with a combination of Jedi Robes and semi-formal wear. If the concert comes to your town, by all means, go and see it!
A lucky, lucky fan posted a report from the set of HP 7: DEATHLY HALLOWS, specifically the wedding of Bill and Fleur.
The report, which can be seen here, details Fleur's wedding dress (it has phoenixes on it!), Bill's scar, an earless George, some mandatory Ron jealousy, set photos and more.
The first signs of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure (phew! mouthful) have been popping up all year. Visitors now are catching "snowcapped" glimpses of Hogwarts Castle and Hogsmeade. And apparently, the stores in the park are starting to load up, too. Ah, the Christmas ornaments that will be had...
We here at Twiwizardjedi, theme park lovers all, are psyched. A field trip is afoot, folks. A field trip is afoot.
Apparently it's not available for viewing in the US. Go figure! Anyways, I happened to see Death Cab in concert and they were freaking awesome. This video has relatively the same footage with some new stuff crammed in there. Check it out. I hope you like it as much as i do.
I think a lot of people thought that this kid couldn't pull off the role of Jacob (including myself) but he's really showing us what he's made of. ...Edward who???
Since I've been in list mode for the last two weeks, I'll break this down as my hot and not so hot moments of the film.
NOT SO HOT 1. Dumbledore's funeral got cut. This movie needed that scene. It ends too abruptly, with an awkward trio scene at the top of the astronomy tower (as if Harry would want to hang out there now). 2. WTF was up with the whole "Lily gave me a fish in a bowl" speech from Slughhorn? It was just dumb. The interchange between Harry and Slughorn, when he finally gives Harry the memory, is beautifully written in the book, and would have worked well on camera. Fish in a bowl, my arse... 3. The cave scene wasn't as dramatic as it might have been. We don't get a sense of Dumbledore's frailty whatsoever. 4. The burning Burrow. I had high hopes for this, but the inclusion of this scene doesn't heighten the drama all that much, and the Weasleys ENTIRE HOUSE BURNS DOWN, and they just stand there, with "Doh!" looks on their faces. The scene then cuts, abruptly again, to Lavender giving Ron the sweetheart necklace. I think I got whiplash watching it. 5. The entire film is DARK. And by dark, I don't mean an emotional tone, but rather, the lighting. So dark, that at times, I couldn't see what was going on. Turn on the light, Yates.
HOT 1. Comedy. This was the funniest HP movie of all. Ron is exquisite as a lovelorn, potion drunk mess. But the real comedian here is Dan Radcliffe's Harry. Radcliffe did a stint on "Extras" that was comedy gold, so I'm not surprised how funny he can be, especially in the Felix Felicis scene. I'm going to see the flick again just for that. There's physical comedy here, too. Quidditch namely, but there's a brief moment when Harry and Ron fight over who is getting the newest Potions book in the cabinet, and they struggle over it the way 11th grade boys would--viciously and funny as hell. Those moments came off as particularly true. 2. Romance. It was done well here, and Hermione's plight is really touching. Movie Hermione is a lot less subtle than book Hermione, but I think that works. The canary scene was brilliant (and also reinforced her friendship with Harry in a nice way) and the hospital scene with Ron (Er-my-knee) was funny and sweet. The Ginny/Harry stuff comes off as a bit less true, but tender nevertheless, especially when Ginny helps Harry hide his Potions book, and when she holds him next to Dumbledore's corpse. 3. Lavender Brown gets her very own number here. Jessie Cave was wonderful, manic, lovable. At one point, she fogs up a glass to write "R + L" on it, and it is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. 4. Draco. Well done, Tom Felton. He is vulnerable and horrible at once. I didn't know Tom had it in him. 5. Horace Slughorn is, perhaps, the most perfect rendition of a Hogwart's professor in the films.
As I said, I'm definitely going to see this again. Some of my favorite filmic moments of the series are in this one, though I wouldn't say it's my favorite movie overall. That title still goes to Cuaron's PRISONER OF AZKABAN. Can HP7 top it? Well, we have about three hundred days before we find out:)
V--I turn it all over to you and your NEW MOON madness. Prof. H is out.
Here we are! I've been humming Etta all morning--"At laaaast, my looooove has come alooong..."
Last November, when the movie was originally scheduled for release, seems like a lifetime ago. There's nothing better for a fan than this moment right now, hours away from a new movie. The worst? The moment the movie is over, and the countdown in our heads begins again, for HP7.1.
The plan is to see HP6 this morning, fingers crossed that there aren't any summer camps in attendance. It's going to be glooooorious.
And in celebration of today, here is my most favorite HP moment of all time!
The tenderness of this chapter calls to mind all the great childhood classics--Anne of Green Gables longing for a home, Annie loving on Daddy Warbucks, the Pevensie children sent off to live in the country, Heidi and her grandfather, Huck bonding with Jim on the river...Orphan stories, all, speaking to our deepest fears as children, that we will be parentless and alone in the world. This is Harry's story, too, and the Mirror of Erised, which reflects one's most fundamental desires, shimmers and produces a family for Harry.
The boy returns to it night after night, imagining what might have been had Voldemort not selected him as an enemy. It is only when Dumbledore interferes, advising, "It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live," that the spell is broken, and Harry is cast back to the reality of his orphan life.
Heartbreaking and beautiful, this chapter from THE SORCERER'S STONE is my favorite, and an early indication of the depth and wisdom this series would offer. Again, the scene is reproduced in the final chapters of DEATHLY HALLOWS, when Harry's family returns, ghost-like, reflection-like, to offer the only thing they can in Harry's darkest hour--the knowledge for Harry that he has been loved.
Review of the movie to come, AFTER Jedi J has seen it:)
I'm certain I've said this before on this blog, but The Silver Doe is my favorite chapter in all of HP canon. The entire series rests on the trio's strength as, well, a trio. Here is where it all reaches it's decisive and dramatic point. The trio succeeds or fails here. When Riddle Harry and Riddle Hermione emerge from that locket for a makeout session, we aren't sure how our boy Ron will take it. For a moment, we think he's possessed, that it's over for Ron, but he comes through like a champ. The series again reveals it's structure--Ron's journey begins in book 1 with a kickass chess match, and here, against the locket. Both times, he proves why the Sorting Hat put him in Gryffindor.
Man, we waited a long time for this one, slogged through a bunch of fanfic to get our fix, and kept our fingers crossed that these two would snog before either one got killed by Voldie. JK delivered, as usual, and gave us a satisfying but not overly saccharine resolution to this relationship. I read that Watson and Grint have already filmed this scene. It better be hot, or I will, will, um, write a VERY angry blog post about it. There. Quake in your boots, Watson and Grint.
I've saved my bestest moment for last. Check in tomorrow, and then, go see the damn movie.
Sorry. Was that too flip? Dobby's death really did move me, more than any other death in the series (yes, more than Dumbledore's). The house elf plight, given short shrift in the films, is an important thread in the novels. The elves are the lowest rung of the magical ladder, and yet, they are, arguably, the most powerful creatures. Their love of service and passivity make them easy to push around. But not Dobby! Dobby rescues the trio and friends at their most dire hour, sacrificing himself for them, foreshadowing what Harry must do later. It was a lesson Harry had to learn. That he digs Dobby's grave by hand is also testament to Harry's gratitude to Dobby. After all, Dobby is Harry's biggest fan. And I'm Dobby's:)
Everything about Dobby's funeral is perfect (and in complete contrast to Dumbledore's extravagant ceremony). Luna's speech is a tear-jerker, and the headstone, "Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf" is the ideal tribute.
Four days is totally manageable, right? You can do this, HP fans!
My #4 favorite Potter moment:
Malfoy Freaking Manor!
Can you say heart in your throat, edge of your seat, omgwtfbbq storytelling? And keeping the action in the cellar with Ron and Harry, having Hermione's screams as the only indication of the horror above their heads, is brilliant and tense and, dare I say, Hitchcockian. Of course, the story demands that control, as the perspective is always Harry's. Nevertheless, there is nothing more chilling in all of the books put together than Ron clawing the walls to get to Hermione, who is being tortured to death, and nothing more telling about Harry's and Hermione's characters as the fact that they keep it together in that moment.
And that artist up there, Makani? Isn't she AMAZING?
Five fabulous days, folks (say it five times fast).
My #5 favorite HP moment is...
Our first look at the BURROW!
Ron: "It's not much, but it's home." Harry: "I think it's brilliant."
And wouldn't you know it, the Burrow has it's own Wiki entry, where you'll learn it's on the outskirts of a little village called Ottery-Saint Catchpole (Hermione's Patronus is an otter. Is there a connection?), and it's architecture is nothing short of magical, with rooms popping up here and there and impossibly held together.
More importantly, it's the only home, aside from Hogwart's, that Harry knows. The Burrow is all warmth, fun, and mollycoddling--just what Harry has never had. It makes me so happy to know that these will be his in-laws.
We're winding down now, folks. Jedi J.? Your take?
I love how history repeats itself, first with the James/Lily/Sirius generation and the creation of the Order, then with Harry/Hermione/Ron, etc. and Dumbledore's Army. The most poignant element of the cyclical nature of this rebellious group is Neville's backstory.
Neville's visit to his parents at the hospital is a bit of brilliant storytelling. His mother, Alice, hands him a gum wrapper, obviously unaware of who her son is, and Neville pockets it, tenderly. I imagine that he keeps little wrappers with him, and later, when Neville becomes the man he should be, these, along with the image of his parents, fuel him.
I love, too, how the Boy Who Lived could have been Neville. Voldemort chose his enemy, and easily, his red gaze could have turned on Neville. This speaks to the overriding theme of the novels--that it is our choices that define us. Truer words were never spoken (thanks, JK). Neville makes all the right choices when it really matters.
One week to go! This time next week, all the anticipation will be a thing of the past.
My #7 best HP moment is...
Angsty Harry!
The Order of the Phoenix, though a dark, dark book, stands out in my imagination as an authentic rendering of teenage angst. Harry goes through a lot (understatement of year) and reacts predictably--isolating himself, begrudging his friends, indulging in whine after whine. The film captured this well, too. And so, angsty Harry it is for number seven.
And as a "Week to Go" treat, here's some Wizard Angst, courtesy of the Potter Puppet Pals!
"I feel cranky and pubescent today and I don't know why!" (shake, shake)
My #8 favorite HP moment comes from Deathly Hallows, and is shippy again (I'm saving the more poignant, less shippy moments for later in the countdown, natch):
Why I like this: All through books 1-6, we blame the failure of the Ron/Hermione relationship on Ron. Truly, the boy is thick. But he isn't all to blame. Hermione dishes out a particular brand of superiority that's hard to fall in love with. In this scene from DH, the members of the Order, having Polyjuiced themselves to look like Harry in order to get the Boy Who Lived to safety, are attacked by Deatheaters. Hermione arrives safely at the Burrow first, and has to wait for Ron to arrive. When he does, she embraces him while Tonks commends Ron's prowess with a wand. Hermione, characteristically, responds in disbelief. Hence Ron's clever retort: "Always the tone of surprise," which he uses again later in the book.
For the first time, Ron is calling Hermione out on her treatment of him (though in a gentle way). The girl learns her lesson, though, gushing about "her man" in one of the final chapters and leading to the shippiest moment of all...
NOTE: Jedi J has been posting her favorites in the comments. Check 'em out! And thanks J:) Now, where IS that V?
After all the teen romance angst in Half-Blood Prince, this moment with the trio in the common room comes as a sigh of relief. Hermione has just repaired Ron's essay, and he, thankful, casual says, "I love you, Hermione." Hermy blushes, Ron is nonplussed, and around the world, Ron/Hermione shippers rejoiced. Yay.
#9--Dumbledore laying the smackdown on the Dursleys
In Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore makes a visit to the Dursleys, which includes, predictably, a flustered and angry Vernon, and some general mockery of Harry's foster family (glassware knocking them on the head repeatedly=priceless). Later, Dumbledore lays the smackdown, telling the Dursleys how disappointed he is in them, how, thankfully, they've done more damage to Dudley than to Harry. For Petunia, especially, this stings, as we know she and Dumbledore have been in communication before.
I think it's super sweet that members of Dumbledore's Army and the Order are broadcasting clandestine anti-Voldemort radio shows. It all has this underground revolutionary flavor what with the code names (Rapier! Ha!) and everything. Hope this scene stays in the films.
Here's one not in the films. In fact, Charlie is the missing Weasley in the cinema, mentioned only by name here and there. In The Sorcerer's Stone, Harry and Hermione save Hagrid's hairy butt (not for the first time) by arranging for Charlie Weasley, the second eldest Weasley and dragon expert, to take Norbert off of Hogwart's property.
I love Charlie for that, and also, because he remains an uncorrupted character for me, the way he looks frozen in my imagination, and not altered by the films. The truth is, whenever I read the books now, I see Radcliffe, Watson, Grint and company, in my head. But Charlie is just my version of him. BTW, he's a total hottie in my mind:)
So, here we are in the two week wait for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. In an effort to pass the time, I'm going to share my fourteen favorite moments of the HP series, one a day, until premiere day.
Number 14...
Snape at Spinner's End, which we will see in this flick. I love how we get to see Snape's home life here, the absolute snubbing he gives to Bellatrix, and the humanity we begin to see in Narcissa Malfoy, a humanity that we know will be very important at the end of the series. This chapter is perfection.
How about you, V.? Jedi J.? What's #14 on your list?
Here's a pic from the HP Magical Train Tour making the rounds in Europe. The boys are so handsome and grown up. And who would ever have guessed Matthew Lewis, aka "Neville" would be the HP heartthrob?
WB just released this high-res shot from the upcoming Half-Blood Prince film.
This feels so familiar. I know it's a new image, but we are starting to see David Yates' visual stamp on things. Scene upon scene, especially the emotional ones, we see Harry in the forefront, staring off into the frightening future, Hermione a few steps behind, an overly concerned, and frankly, patronizing look on her face, and Ron far in the background, looking disinterested as hell. This arrangement comes up a few times in Yates' Order of the Phoenix, and I think we can expect more of it in the next three films.
Honestly, I miss the spirit of the Chris Columbus flicks, where Ron was book Ron, and Hermione was book Hermione.
Sounding like one of those book purists now. Scaring self. Signing out.
Do you remember those motion characters you would draw in your art class in elementary school? You know, little stick people that would start walking as you flip the pages. Well, prepare yourselves for a little New Moon motion... Shirtless sexy body and all.
Warner Bros. has just released the first HBP featurette, in which we see some behind the scenes action, and a few new bits with Harry and Dumbledore. Of note is Harry's line about not needing luck, "I"m with Dumbledore."
We also have a clip from the film of Ron after he's ingested Romilda's chocolate love potion.
Hot stuff guys, hot stuff. I'm hoping Taylor Lautner can pull it off as Jacob Black and make me fall in love with him like I did in the book. Crossing my fingers.
Happy Star Wars Day to all! Yes, Star Wars Day exists for us Jedi, just like Christmas exists for Christians. Now the question is: when do you celebrate Star Wars Day? You see there are two days that people celebrate as Star Wars Day. The first one is May 4th. Why May 4th? This date stems from the most famous of all Star Wars quotes "May the Force be with you" (personally I rather enjoy "Why you half witted, scruffy looking, Nerf Herder!, but then again that is just me). Some people say the the word Force sounds like Fourth so it could be May the Fourth, hence the celebration on May the 4th.
Others prefer the original movie opening date of May 25th as Star Wars Day. It was on this day that the world changed forever. It was the day that the world was introduced to a young farm boy, a beautiful princess, the evil man in black, and a hunk of a space captain.
But here is the catch, May 25th is "officially" called the Universal Day of the Jedi. So in essence, one could celebrate May 4th as Star Wars Day and May 25th as the Universal Day of the Jedi. Or one could follow Jedi J and celebrate Star Wars in some small way every day!
I must go now, my younglings are calling and Chewie and Wicket need to be fed.
Here are some crazy sexy Native Americans that are bound to be the talk of the town in Twilight New Moon.
I would like to introduce the new werewolf cast (from left to right): Alex Meraz(playing Paul-HOLY FRIJOLES!), Chaske Spencer (Sam Uley), Bronson Pelletier (Jared) and Kiowa Gordon (Embry Call). Hot stuff huh!?!
Where has this movie poster been all my life!!! The BEST movie poster for Twilight so far. It has not yet been confirmed whether this poster was actually released by Summit Entertainment or by some really awesome fan. Either way I hope they have more like this.
You can also see the casting round-up for my peeps, The Voltori and a couple new cast memebers for the Quileute family.
Professor H previously posted the movie posters with Harry and Professor Dumbledore. However, I happen to like these a lot more. OOOOhhh the drama! My favorite is the one with Draco and Professor Snape. Which one is your favorite?
P.S. Prof. H, Doesn't Ron Weasly look HOT is that picture!
I know I'm a little late with the fanatical Twilight reporting but I honestly can't keep up with the craziness that surrounds this movie. Everytime I turn around there's a new site that has a plethora of Twilight paraphernalia. So this is why I'm just now posting the link to MySpace's page for Twilight. A fellow fan elightened me to the fact that they have some serious Twilight business going on for that webpage(including a special showing of the movie at your school). It has everything your little pitter-pattering heart could ever desire.
This looks exciting. My jaw is still hanging on the floor. Commentary after the footage.
Wow. It's a bit thrilling seeing Rupert in this new role. However, I'm getting LESS THAN ZERO flashbacks--as disturbing as teen flicks get, and from which I've never recovered fully (thanks a lot, Robert Downey Jr.)
UPDATE: Alas, it was good while it lasted. Apparently this wasn't the finished trailer. But the real deal should be up soon, I imagine. Hope you caught a glimpse while you could.
Well here's your big chance to stand in never ending lines and hang around doing nothing for hours. Where you may ask...on the set of Twilight New Moon as a movie extra. Yup! A fanatical teenage girl's wet dream come true. Don't worry, I'm not knocking it. It would all be worth it if you could just catch one tiny glimpse of any cast member from Twilight. Just think of it! Robert's hand, foot, forearm just might be within reach. No need to fantasize any longer ladies; now's your chance. However, be warned there's a good chance you might not even get to be in the same vicinity as the stars, but isn't it worth the "what if?".
Just for your viewing pleasure, something I found while surfing the net...
Here's a "First Look" of Half-Blood Prince with some footage we haven't seen before. There's a fantastic Bellatrix moment right in the beginning. Bonham-Carter plays her sooooo crazy. Wonderful. We get to see Lav-Lav and Won-Won snog, plus Hermione's canaries make an appearance (this last is my FAVORITE scene in the book).
Talk about the creativity and dedication of HP fans...
The following is a trailer for a four-hour adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in CLAYMATION. Can you imagine the hours of work that went into this?
I've already seen the first ten minutes and am impressed by the visual detail. Congratulations to Ryan, the Columbia grad who created this film!
I LOVE that they're playing up Harry and Dumbledore's relationship, especially since much of the emotional impact of what comes in the next book, DEATHLY HALLOWS, deals with the loss of it.
LOVE too the cock-eyed angle of the posters. Really dynamic. But perhaps I should leave aesthetic commentary to V, who majored in this sort of thing:)
There are a good number of new images here, mostly Slughorn/Harry/Dumbledore stuff, as well as a good line from Arthur Weasley about dark times, recited, I think, from his garage full of Muggle electronics (yay, Arthur!)
Hoping this is released in high-def, sans Japanese subtitles, soon:)
Consider TwiWizardJedi your new home for news and fun relating to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter-verse, and George Lucas' Star Wars galaxy far, far away.
The three co-creators of TriWizardJedi are fans of all three series and realize, with great sadness, that we are not associated with Stephenie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, George Lucas, nor any of the works associated with those creators. We own none of the characters, human, vampire, werewolf, house elf, bantha or otherwise.
We hope to enrich the TwiWizardJedi fandom with our little web presence, and as soon as we get a handle on our web handles and secret identities, we'll introduce ourselves.