Monday, February 23, 2009

HBP First Look

Here's a "First Look" of Half-Blood Prince with some footage we haven't seen before. There's a fantastic Bellatrix moment right in the beginning. Bonham-Carter plays her sooooo crazy. Wonderful. We get to see Lav-Lav and Won-Won snog, plus Hermione's canaries make an appearance (this last is my FAVORITE scene in the book).

Aah, so good. July is ever closer.
Prof. H

Friday, February 13, 2009


Talk about the creativity and dedication of HP fans...

The following is a trailer for a four-hour adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in CLAYMATION. Can you imagine the hours of work that went into this?

I've already seen the first ten minutes and am impressed by the visual detail. Congratulations to Ryan, the Columbia grad who created this film!

Prof. H

Friday, February 6, 2009

Half Blood Prince Movie POSTERS

Check these beauties out!

I LOVE that they're playing up Harry and Dumbledore's relationship, especially since much of the emotional impact of what comes in the next book, DEATHLY HALLOWS, deals with the loss of it.

LOVE too the cock-eyed angle of the posters. Really dynamic. But perhaps I should leave aesthetic commentary to V, who majored in this sort of thing:)

Prof. H