Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Moon Trailer

Beating V to the punch here...


Sorry, V. Couldn't resist.

Prof. H

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Moon Story Time...

Do you remember those motion characters you would draw in your art class in elementary school? You know, little stick people that would start walking as you flip the pages. Well, prepare yourselves for a little New Moon motion... Shirtless sexy body and all.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

HPB Featurette and Ron in Love

Warner Bros. has just released the first HBP featurette, in which we see some behind the scenes action, and a few new bits with Harry and Dumbledore. Of note is Harry's line about not needing luck, "I"m with Dumbledore."

We also have a clip from the film of Ron after he's ingested Romilda's chocolate love potion.


Prof. H

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon Teaser Poster

Hot stuff guys, hot stuff. I'm hoping Taylor Lautner can pull it off as Jacob Black and make me fall in love with him like I did in the book. Crossing my fingers.


P.S. I'm loving Jacob's new hair cut!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

First HBP TV Commercial in Five, Four...

And it's all above the LURVE...

Best line:

Lav-Lav: "I HAPPEN to be his girlfriend."
Hermione: "And I happen to be his...friend."

Can't wait.

Prof. H

Monday, May 4, 2009

May the Fourth Be With You

Happy Star Wars Day to all!
Yes, Star Wars Day exists for us Jedi, just like Christmas exists for Christians. Now the question is: when do you celebrate Star Wars Day? You see there are two days that people celebrate as Star Wars Day. The first one is May 4th. Why May 4th? This date stems from the most famous of all Star Wars quotes "May the Force be with you" (personally I rather enjoy "Why you half witted, scruffy looking, Nerf Herder!, but then again that is just me). Some people say the the word Force sounds like Fourth so it could be May the Fourth, hence the celebration on May the 4th.

Others prefer the original movie opening date of May 25th as Star Wars Day. It was on this day that the world changed forever. It was the day that the world was introduced to a young farm boy, a beautiful princess, the evil man in black, and a hunk of a space captain.

But here is the catch, May 25th is "officially" called the Universal Day of the Jedi. So in essence, one could celebrate May 4th as Star Wars Day and May 25th as the Universal Day of the Jedi. Or one could follow Jedi J and celebrate Star Wars in some small way every day!

I must go now, my younglings are calling and Chewie and Wicket need to be fed.

Jedi J