Wednesday, April 30, 2008
What's on the Star Wars Horizon...
Get ready because in three short months Star Wars is returning to the big screen! This August an animated Star Wars movie will be released dealing with the Clone Wars. This will usher in new episodes of the Clone Wars animated series on television. The next big happening will be the live action television series, which is still in the development stages. This I do know--it will take place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Although no major Star Wars character will be a central character in this series, it is still highly anticipated. I will have more details later.
Just a reminder, Star Wars Weekends are back at Disney's Hollywood studios, formally MGM studios. Click here for a complete list of activities and celebrity appearances check out this link.
May the Force be with You,
Jedi J
Monday, April 28, 2008
Deal? Or no deal? There is no try...
Attention all fanboys! The Deal or No Deal models will don Stormtrooper armor and Princess Leia slavegirl costumes for tonight's two-hour episode of Deal or No Deal.
What is the male version of "squee?" "Squoo?" "Squow?" Yes, squow. Squow, men, squow away!
I, for one, wish they'd haul out a couple dozen Han Solo impersonators. Just sayin'...
Professor H.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Can you Squee in Lolspeak?
"Squee. v.
A noise primarily made by an over-excited fangirl, however it has spread rapidly and is now widely spread among the web community.
Omg!! New Harry Potter book out!! Omg Squee squee! omg!!!"
"lolspeak. n.
Any form of typed text language that is not in propper english, usually in referance to cute cat pictures
1.) -I can haz cheezburgr?
- Dude, stop speakig in lolspeak, just say "can I have a cheesburger?"
2.) iz in yer compooter, eatin yer megabitz"
Now that you can lolspeak wif us, enjoy dese pikturs from our fandoms. Kthx. bye.

see more crazy cat pics

see more crazy cat pics

see more crazy cat pics
We is in ur fandom, squeeing all over teh place. Mwah.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Ohhh Carlisle...

The hotness has officially arrived!
We all know Robert Pattinson is something to drool over but I’d like to take a moment and pay droolage to Peter Facinelli as Carlisle Cullen. And may I just say that this was an unexpected heat wave.
I was just minding my own business watching all that I could possibly absorb on the net that featured the filming of Twilight when I heard his voice and gazed into his eyes. For 15 very short seconds I watched as Peter (yes I’d like to think we’re on a first name basis) spoke about the character he plays. Such seductive voices these Vampires have.
I know this may be much too much drool spent over just one character when this film seems loaded with good looking people but I wanted to make it known that Edward is just a junior Carlisle.
Earth Day!

healthy Earth Day!
We urge you not to fly your cars into historic willows (of the whomping variety, or otherwise), and to be kind to the Earth. You can:
- Recycle!
- Shut off the tap when you brush your teeth!
- Walk instead of drive!
- Plant something!
- Buy organic food and support your local growers!
- Unplug your electronics when not in use!
- Join the Alliance for Climate Protection
Monday, April 21, 2008
What Book Seven Might Have Been
Dear Class,
I bring you a funny tidbit in which author Steve Almond predicts the outcome of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Obviously, this is not a new link, but funny nevertheless:
From Salon...
"I've read each of the previous books multiple times, and devoted most of the past year to sifting them for clues. To answer the Big Questions:
Is Dumbledore really dead?
Yes, though he is reincarnated as a newt.
Is Severus Snape good or evil?
Neither. He's got a substance-abuse problem. Toward the end of the book, he issues a public apology to his former Hogwarts students, goes into rehab, and emerges eager to launch a career in reality television.
Will Ron and Hermione finally work things out?
Yes. But not before some turbulence. Still smarting from Hermione's indiscretion with Viktor Krum, Ron hits his beloved with the dreaded Spell of the Itchy Sphincter. She retaliates with the Spell of the Asparagus Urine. Harry intercedes, dosing both of them with a philter that includes holy secretions from Oprah's adrenal glands. The lovers reconcile, relieve their epic sexual tension, and post the eye-popping results on the Internet.
Who is the mysterious R.A.B.?
An obscure wizard-rapper from Piggledon Province, whose theft of Voldemort's locket -- a publicity stunt -- backfires after he is shot in the throat by a rival, who runs with Draco Malfoy's posse.
Do Harry and evil Lord Voldemort finally throw down?
They most certainly do, in a 223-page rampage of blood, sweat, and potions. The action is pitched and plainly homoerotic. (At one point, transfigured into amorous bonobos, they tongue-kiss.) Having battled to a draw, they settle the matter in a most unexpected manner: a chili cook-off! Voldemort, allergic to the peanut oil Harry used to braise his tenderloin, goes into anaphylactic shock and perishes.
What about the death eaters, then?
Without Voldemort's leadership, they return to politics.
And Hogwarts?
One word: Disney."
Alas, I only got one prediction right on the novel myself. I guessed Snape was a good guy from the beginning (see artwork above and feel your heart breaking. FEEL IT!), but that's about it. I (wrongly) predicted Dumbledore's return, Ron's death, and a denouement at Godric's Hollow. As I said before, I'm no Trelawney/Alice/Yoda!More wacky predictions from here!
Professor H.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Link Lessons
We've added a series of fabulous links to TriWizardJedi. You'll note that the three different "fandoms" are unevenly represented in the blogosphere. There are good reasons for this, which follow:
1) There are few Star Wars fansites. Lucasfilm has quite a tight hold on its copyrighted material. It just may be that this little (not for profit! not for profit! we own nothing!) site here gets a cease and desist notice from Mr. Lucas. However, the Lucasfilm approved sites to the right are quite good.
2) J.K. Rowling has been significantly more lax in controlling her material on the web. This very same generosity towards fans has landed her in this legal pickle recently, and is the very reason why the HP fandom has grown into such a sophisticated phenomena, as you'll see in the links to the right.
3) Ah. Twilight. There are a few good Twilight fansites, which we've linked to here. As you can see, the sites aren't yet as expansive as those you'll find dedicated to HP and Star Wars. Yet. Twilight fans are many in number, but when the new movie arrives later this year, things are going to get crazy. While I put little stock in Trelawney/Alice/Yoda-style predictions, mark my words--by the end of this year, Twilight news will hit the major cable networks, the fundamentalist Christian groups will begin decrying the moral turpitude of the series, and all those pioneering fansites on the right are going to have to buy some serious bandwidth.
Finally, and most importantly...
4) Giving. At the bottom of the page, we've posted links to good charities, and urge you to check them out. All three of the stories we honor here are about the power of love. Let us not forget that "it is our choices that show what we truly are...far more than our abilities" (Chamber of Secrets).
Professor H.
Friday, April 18, 2008
V for Volturi
The Volturi. A secret society that keeps the hidden Vampire community at bay. Although the Volturi only play a small part in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Series, there's always some kind of underground coven of Vampires trying to keep order. So, with that I would like to say thank you, Volturi, for keeping down the number of blood sucking, beautiful people on our streets.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Meet Professor H

Professor H, at your service.
I belong to the generous and just house of Hufflepuff, founded by Helga Hufflepuff and home to the late, great Cedric Diggory (I hear he's been reincarnated into a vampire, but that may just be scuttlebutt...). The Sorting Hat got it right with me. Let me offer a scenario to explain why:
If I were to, say, wind up on the forbidden third floor of Hogwarts and run into, say, a three-headed dog named Fluffy, I would instantly wish for:
1) The Gryffindor courage to level my wand at the beast and fight it off.
2) The Ravenclaw brains to conjure a pencil into an enormous doggie treat with which to distract said dog.
3) The Slytherin sense of self-preservation which would lead me to fling Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, at one of the dog's heads to ensure my safe getaway, and ridding the school of that horrid cat.
While I would wish for these qualities, the truth is that I would land in a dead faint at the dog's feet, and then, Merlin only knows what my fate would be.
This is not to say that Hufflepuffs are cowards, though I am of the more chicken-y sort. We are just and hardworking, and above all else, loyal to the ones we love. There can be no greater gifts that those.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Why I Love Star Wars: Princess Leia
One of the many reasons why I love Star Wars is Princess Leia. Leia is not your typical Princess. She is not too delicate, she grabs hold of that blaster, aims, and fires. Okay, so in "A New Hope" she closes her eyes when she shoots, but the point is that she does not stand there and fumble around with the blaster. She is a take charge kind of girl, risking her life for cause that she believes in and the man that she loves. Leia can keep up with the guys and still be a sex symbol. But most important to me, she does not have blond hair and blue eyes.
- Jedi J
Meet Jedi J
Jedi J
Monday, April 14, 2008
Welcome to Our, um, Fan Site
This site is not meant to pit one series against another, as often happens elsewhere. We put this together because we love Harry, Luke and Edward equally, and not as a virtual gladiatorial ring to see which hero comes out on top.
With that caveat in place, the TwiWizardJedi cocreator in charge of the Twi, brings you this clip from MTV, which, unfortunately, does try to set Twilight fans against Potter fans.
Here's what Twi (yes, you are named Twi until you come up with a better handle and until you learn to post your own darn posts) has to say about the clip:
Here's what I don't like about it:
1. They call Harry Potter and the gang a bunch of "wimpy wizards!" Can you believe that? Harry Potter is anything but wimpy!
2. What's up with Edward's hair?!! It looks like he's got an extended forehead. Still cute, but needs a new hair style.
3. Is it just me or do all the actors (excluding Robert Pattinson) seem too cocky?