Monday, April 14, 2008

Welcome to Our, um, Fan Site

Consider TwiWizardJedi your new home for news and fun relating to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter-verse, and George Lucas' Star Wars galaxy far, far away.

This site is not meant to pit one series against another, as often happens elsewhere. We put this together because we love Harry, Luke and Edward equally, and not as a virtual gladiatorial ring to see which hero comes out on top.

With that caveat in place, the TwiWizardJedi cocreator in charge of the Twi, brings you this clip from MTV, which, unfortunately, does try to set Twilight fans against Potter fans.

Here's what Twi (yes, you are named Twi until you come up with a better handle and until you learn to post your own darn posts) has to say about the clip:

Here's what I don't like about it:

1. They call Harry Potter and the gang a bunch of "wimpy wizards!" Can you believe that? Harry Potter is anything but wimpy!
2. What's up with Edward's hair?!! It looks like he's got an extended forehead. Still cute, but needs a new hair style.
3. Is it just me or do all the actors (excluding Robert Pattinson) seem too cocky?

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