Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Why I Love Star Wars: Princess Leia

One of the many reasons why I love Star Wars is Princess Leia. Leia is not your typical Princess. She is not too delicate, she grabs hold of that blaster, aims, and fires. Okay, so in "A New Hope" she closes her eyes when she shoots, but the point is that she does not stand there and fumble around with the blaster. She is a take charge kind of girl, risking her life for cause that she believes in and the man that she loves. Leia can keep up with the guys and still be a sex symbol. But most important to me, she does not have blond hair and blue eyes.

Growing up I would imagine that I was Princess Leia. First of all, in my mind my hair was better suited to me playing the part. My playmates (my sister and cousin) both had light brown hair and light eyes and here I was with my black hair and dark brown eyes. I would dread the day that my mother would take me to cut my hair because, after all, Princess Leia never cut her hair. When I finally got old enough to take myself to get a hair cut, I would wait until the constant nagging from my family finally outweighed being able to duplicate Leia's hairstyle while she was on Cloud City. To this day, I grow my hair out so that I can turn around and donate my long tresses (16 inches both times). Click here for a link to Locks of Love.

Then there was Leia's ability to play with the boys and still have a feminine side. I used to play football with the neighborhood boys all the time. I would rather watch a sporting event than go shoe shopping (a fact that still is true). In elementary school, I had more male friends than female friends. Still, when the occasion called for it, I was ready to show off my softer side. Dressing up was fun and exciting. I never passed up a chance to wear a cute, new outfit.

Finally, my love for Leia is apparent in my family. My husband has Han's hazel eyes and dimpled chin. My daughter bears the name of Leia's daughter. In my own obsessed way, I have made myself out to be Leia. I love it when I go pick up my daughter from school and the other children yell, "Jaina's Mommy is here!" Deep down inside I smile because I AM Jaina's Mommy and in the Star Wars universe, Jaina's Mommy is Princess Leia Organa Solo.

- Jedi J

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