My #7 best HP moment is...
Angsty Harry!

The Order of the Phoenix, though a dark, dark book, stands out in my imagination as an authentic rendering of teenage angst. Harry goes through a lot (understatement of year) and reacts predictably--isolating himself, begrudging his friends, indulging in whine after whine. The film captured this well, too. And so, angsty Harry it is for number seven.
And as a "Week to Go" treat, here's some Wizard Angst, courtesy of the Potter Puppet Pals!
"I feel cranky and pubescent today and I don't know why!" (shake, shake)
1 comment:
#7 My favorite Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. The famous Professor Lupin and the boggart lesson. Snape dressed as Neville's grandmother is classic.
-Jedi J
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