My #10 favorite HP moment has to be a shippy one (more of those to follow):
"I love you, Hermione."

After all the teen romance angst in Half-Blood Prince, this moment with the trio in the common room comes as a sigh of relief. Hermione has just repaired Ron's essay, and he, thankful, casual says, "I love you, Hermione." Hermy blushes, Ron is nonplussed, and around the world, Ron/Hermione shippers rejoiced. Yay.
#9--Dumbledore laying the smackdown on the Dursleys

In Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore makes a visit to the Dursleys, which includes, predictably, a flustered and angry Vernon, and some general mockery of Harry's foster family (glassware knocking them on the head repeatedly=priceless). Later, Dumbledore lays the smackdown, telling the Dursleys how disappointed he is in them, how, thankfully, they've done more damage to Dudley than to Harry. For Petunia, especially, this stings, as we know she and Dumbledore have been in communication before.
1 comment:
#10 Anytime Aurther Weasly enters the Dursley's house. I love reading those moments and picturing Uncle Vernon turning all shades of purple and red.
#9 Harry's first real Christmas, the Weasley's are such a good family. It gives me the warm fuzzies thinking how they really cared more for Harry than his own family.
-Jedi J
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