My #8 favorite HP moment comes from Deathly Hallows, and is shippy again (I'm saving the more poignant, less shippy moments for later in the countdown, natch):
"Always the tone of surprise."

Why I like this: All through books 1-6, we blame the failure of the Ron/Hermione relationship on Ron. Truly, the boy is thick. But he isn't all to blame. Hermione dishes out a particular brand of superiority that's hard to fall in love with. In this scene from DH, the members of the Order, having Polyjuiced themselves to look like Harry in order to get the Boy Who Lived to safety, are attacked by Deatheaters. Hermione arrives safely at the Burrow first, and has to wait for Ron to arrive. When he does, she embraces him while Tonks commends Ron's prowess with a wand. Hermione, characteristically, responds in disbelief. Hence Ron's clever retort: "Always the tone of surprise," which he uses again later in the book.
For the first time, Ron is calling Hermione out on her treatment of him (though in a gentle way). The girl learns her lesson, though, gushing about "her man" in one of the final chapters and leading to the shippiest moment of all...
NOTE: Jedi J has been posting her favorites in the comments. Check 'em out! And thanks J:) Now, where IS that V?
1 comment:
#8 When Harry gives Fred and George the money he won from the Twiwizard Tournament so that they can start their Joke Shop. It just makes me feel like Harry really considers them family.
-Jedi J
PS Sorry I have not written anything in a while but life with 2 younlings can be very time consuming. I have such a backlog of "The Clone Wars" episodes that I really have to get to. Be on the look out for another post on how the Star Wars Universe has ties to other worlds (hint: V)
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